
Word Vomit

Art Around Yosemite

Yosemite, the promise land. This place consumes my thoughts and my every waking moment. I want to be here. In the mountains, on the rock faces, breathing heavy on the trails. This place is the closest I have ever felt to home. Yosemite is special to me. The rock features, the people, the trees… everything has meaning and purpose and place. I like to paint and draw the things that mean something to me. That is why Yosemite is the subject of many of my pieces.

Half Dome, I’ve seen this mountain from every direction and every angle. It’s crazy that just moving a couple feet away can give you a new perspective and a different shape. Half Dome is the second climb I ever did in Yosemite and one of my favorite runs. 

The Mother Tree, this ancient Juniper tree sits on top of El Capitan greeting all of the tired and traveled hikers and climbers. It appears to just grow straight out of the granite. But through years of wind and weather it sits beautiful and alone. The first time I saw this tree I was in love. It has so much meaning and symbolism. That against all odds something so beautiful can still remain unchanged and strong.

Tunnel View and the Raven, a view that never gets old. El Capitan and Bridal veil falls frame Half Dome in the background. This valley and the community of people who fly mean the world to me. Practicing the dark art of flying your body and being one like the raven. I won’t say more.